
Posted on Aug 22, 2024

My Book about the German Startup Scene of the early 2000s

I wrote Start/Up a decade after my own experiences in the German startup scene of the early 2000s. It was a time of great change and upheaval, and one that had a profound impact on my life and career.

My first startup, “Bazaaria,” was a disaster, with a flawed business model that quickly drained my resources. I remember the feelings of powerlessness and shame that came with it, and the struggle to come to terms with my own limitations. But despite the setbacks, I was determined to learn from my mistakes and move forward.

Start/Up is a novel that draws heavily from my own experiences, but it’s also a work of fiction that explores the darker aspects of the startup world. The story follows Mark Cain, an elite student who dives headfirst into the bizarre world of startups, where ruthlessness and loneliness prevail. As Mark navigates this treacherous landscape, he must confront the true cost of success and the emptiness that can come with it.

I’ve always been fascinated by the startup world, with its promise of innovation and disruption. But I’ve also seen the darker side of this world, where ambition and greed can lead people to compromise their values and sacrifice their relationships.

Start/Up is a novel that explores these themes, and one that I hope will resonate with anyone who has ever been part of the startup world. It’s a story about the human condition, and the choices we make when we’re driven by ambition and desire.

“Start/Up” is available in various formats:

An english paperback is being published as I am writing this page. I hope you enjoy reading “Start/Up” as much as I enjoyed writing it.