Browseo - your friendly SEO Browser

Posted on Mar 17, 2012

With ilscipio we have been quite busy the past couple of months and we have alot in the pipeline which we are now beginning to release to the general public. To start off Jonathan, our SEO expert extraordinaire, released  this week - a neat little tool which lets you see a website through the perspective of a search engine crawler.

Browseo - simplified seo

The tool is really meant for search engine optimizers, who currently rely on a set of firefox plugins and costly third party providers to do their daily business. We tried to take the best from those tools and combine them in one. It is easy to use and runs very smoothly on mobile devices (in fact, if you add it as a bookmark on your iPad or iPhone, it will run just like an actual browser).

Browseo comes with a rich set of functionalities. It removes all unnecessary styling, disables javascript, prints out additional information, such as meta tags, headers and such in a nifty little sidebar, and allows you to highlight internal and external links easily.  In short: it is a great tool for Search Engine Optimizers. In the future we will enhance this further and will even add nifty little guidelines.

So what can you do with it? Well, if you are into “search engine optimization”, ie the ways of optimizing your page so that it ranks higher within search engine results, this tool gives you what you need to optimize your page itself. Couple this with offsite optimizations (linkbuilding etc.) and you are off to a good start. But have a look on your own: